Kids Registration Form Student First Name(required) Student Last Name(required) Choose one option(required) Male Female Other (Please specify preferred pronoun below) Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)(required) Parent full name(required) Parent Email(required) Parent Mobile number(required) Additional contact person Name (for notifications about changes in classes) Additional Contact Person Mobile number Additional Contact Person Email Address Student’s health considerations we should be aware of (write 'None' otherwise)(required) How did you find out about us? Flyer dropped at home Facebook Internet search (Google) Recomended by other person Other Please read the following paragraph and tick the box Please be aware that Judo practice, being a contact sport, might result in small bruises or minor injuries. If you have observed one of our classes, you should have noticed that we have a safety-first approach and we do all in our power to avoid serious injuries that, although might happen, they rarely occur. By clicking on this box you agree that all the information you have provided is true and correct and that you have read the paragraph above. (required) Submit Δ